Bubbles the Fish

| April 18, 2016

At school, Sam’s class has been learning about wildlife and fish. They actually got some fish for the classroom, which Sam is very happy about. Here is a picture of one of the tanks. There are a bunch of them with one or two fish in each.


Her teacher sent home a paper recently asking us to sign for permission for our child to take home the class pet for one night. Um, what? Oh….the class pet is a stuffed fish. Whose name is Bubbles. Well. Ok. Sign us up. The idea is that you take Bubbles the fish home and do some sort of activity with it then it goes back to school.

I went to pick up Sam after school today and she was beyond thrilled to show me that she is the first one in her class who got picked to take Bubbles!!! Here is Bubbles.


Bubbles has a journal where Sam was to write about what they did together and attach a photo. Her teachers took Bubbles home over the weekend and during the week. Bubbles went bowling, made a cake, and learned to drive. The pictures were pretty funny. Sam has good teachers. They really know how to do fun things for the kids.

Before we even got in the car to come home, she told me that she was going to send Bubbles to space. Ok…Poor Bubbles got shoved in the rocket ship right away and blasted off!


That is the picture Sam wanted to use for the journal, but we took this one too. The stars and planets are the stick on kind that glow that kids stick on their bedroom ceilings, but I am a crazy person and wouldn’t let her stick them on the paint so we made a posterboard. Yeah, I’m nuts. So sue me. I worked hard on those darn clouds in her room. They’re staying.


Later, Mark and Sam took Bubbles outside for a bike ride and to get some air.


Bubbles has an odd sense of humor…


Sam worked on the journal before she went to bed. It turned out rather nicely. I think her teachers will be very pleased!


Science Club

| April 5, 2016

My little scientist finished her last session of Science Club at school today. She loved it! I am so glad. I know she seems to like everything in school right now, reading, math, science, computers, art, etc. I hope the love of all subjects sticks though. It often does not for math and science with girls so her joy at science club made me very happy. Each week for the session, she came home with news of their experiments and often some sort of thing they made (once it was some sort of goo, once it was a sort of homemade lava lamp). This week was the big one — the volcano!! She had a blast. Once again she renewed her wish that we make elephant toothpaste. I’m going to have to get on that one soon. She’s not likely to forget!

The New Girl

| March 31, 2016

Sam’s class has a new student. It is very late in the year and I think it must be very hard for a kid at that age – well, at any age – to start in a new school this far along. Samantha said her name is Giovanna. She wanted to make something for her to make her feel welcome so she wrote this note. I think it is very sweet. Sam is always a nice little girl and I am so thankful for that.


Star of the Week!

| March 6, 2016

This week Sam is finally Star of the Week. She has been waiting for so long for this to happen. Every week, one student in her class gets randomly picked to be “Star”. When you are star, the first day you bring in a poster with a bunch of pictures of you, your family, whatever you want, really. On other days, you get to bring “star snack”, you bring in 3 favorite toys or objects to talk about, there is a “star interview” (a sheet is sent home with some questions about the star and the teacher interviews the star based on those questions, and finally, on the last day, the star brings home the “star compliments” book which is a book assembled of drawings each of the classmates does of the star and says why they are special. It is probably the most exciting thing they do in their minds. I am so happy that Sam gets to be star this week because with Joe passing and the funeral coming up it would be good for her to be the center of attention in her class for a while. Let people make a fuss over her and all that. It will be a good distraction for all of us, I think.

Sam was so excited to make her poster. She asked for orange posterboard and the only kind I could find was metallic (oh, what a shame 🙂 ). She told me what kinds of pictures she wanted and we printed them out. When it came time to adhere the pictures, I was going to use double-sided tape, but Sam had her own ideas. She used stickers to hold them on. She is quite original! I think it turned out amazing. I bet it was the nicest star poster yet!


Dr. Seuss Week

| March 4, 2016

At school, they had a week long celebration for Dr. Seuss’s birthday. There was crazy sock day, crazy hat day, wearing all green, wearing stripes of all types, etc. Samantha loved it, having a new theme every day. Here are some of her pictures from the week.

Making the hat was an experience, but it came out ok. Sam was thrilled with it, and that’s all that matters.


She has no shortage of striped clothing, but putting the stripes on her face was all her idea. She is clever, I’ll give her that!
