pamelamyers | December 18, 2015
Today was Sam’s kindergarten showcase. The kids have been working so hard with the music teacher learning all their Christmas songs. Sam told me a lot of them were new songs she did not learn in preschool and she liked that she was doing something new. We all came out to see her — Mark and I, Grandmom and Poppy and Pop Pop. She loves that we all show up for her important things.

The kids sang their little hearts out. Sam was not as expressive with her hand and arm motions as some of the kids, but she did do the motions. If she hadn’t have been in the front row we never would have seen it though! I was happy that she sang every song.

In this one they are singing the Dreidel song and she is showing the “made it out of clay” part.

A few days before the show, Sam asked me if I ever sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in school. When I told her I did, she asked me if I sang the extra parts. I didn’t know what she meant and she explained it to me:
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
(like a light bulb)
And if you ever saw it
(saw it)
You would even say it glows
(like a flash light)
All of the other reindeer
Used to laugh and call him names
(like Pinnochio)
They never let poor Rudolph
Play in any reindeer games
(like Monopoly)
I said, oh, I know what you mean, but no, I don’t think we sang that part in school. She then told me, “Well, we are going to do that….Ooohhhh. I think Miss Cipolloni said don’t tell our parents so it will be a surprise and I just told you, so…..” It was so cute. She knew she blew it. I assured her that it was good she told me so that when they started singing Rudolph I would pay extra close attention so as not to miss it.

She was most happy to always tell me about the songs they were going to do with the bells. She is light blue bells (not dark blue!) and when her teacher holds up cards with colored dots on them, they ring their bells. When she first told me about it I said it must be confusing that there are two different colored blue bells and she was very quick to assure me that it is NOT confusing AT ALL! They are professional bell ringers, I suppose….

The music teacher said to be sure to watch their faces and I could see why. Every kid was concentrating so hard to make sure they rang at the right time.

There is Miss Cipolloni with her cards. Such stern little faces they all had!

My little girl, always making hearts for me. 🙂

It was such a great show. The kids all did so well and looked so adorable in their holiday finest. Sam was in the front and I guess looked so darn cute, they even grabbed her (and a boy) to give the flowers to the music teacher. I asked Sam after if she knew she was going to do that, and she said no. Yeah, well, my kid is cute, what can I say!

Her whole concert can be found online here, although I will say the video is a little buggy!
Category: Christmas, School |