Can there be this much drama this soon?

| December 12, 2015

It always amazes me that little girls can be so like adults. When I picked Sam up from school we were talking about her day and who she played with and whatnot and she made a very offhand remark about her friend, Olivia not being friends with Adeline anymore. I told her that they probably had a fight or something and would be friends again soon. I mean, honestly, the odds that by the next day they will even remember their disagreement are slim. Kids are like that. Anyway, Sam told me that Olivia asked her to not be friends with Adeline anymore since she wasn’t friends with her. OMG. I mean, seriously? They are six!! I didn’t think this sort of drama started this early. I know grade school can be tough, but they are in kindergarten. Sam and I had a long talk about how she can, and should, be friends with anyone she wants, that it doesn’t matter if her friends are friends of each other, and that most importantly, her friends do NOT get to decide who she can be friends with. Sam and Adeline are still friends of course, but it really threw me. I had no idea I’d be dealing with these types of emotional and social issues this early.  I think I handled it well though and am glad that she told me about it so that we could at least talk about it and I could get a feeling for what she thought. I don’t think that she was all that concerned about it. She mentioned it just like any other thing that happened that day, but I do wonder sometimes how much of what she talks about in an offhand way really gets deeper. She is a pretty sensitive girl. I always have to remember to take these things seriously just in case it’s something she really wants my take on. And I have to hope that she keeps talking to me as she grows up.

School Pics

| November 30, 2015

In Kindergarten, for some unknown reason, they take school photos twice, once in the fall, and once in the spring. Of course, I had to buy the fall photos, even though the spring ones are the ones I would call the “official” photos for the year.

Here is Sam’s picture for the beginning of the school year. She wanted to wear her pigtails, which has become a favorite style for her. Her smiles are so forced in professional photos but I do love her toothless face. It’s a good thing we have Mark to get the best shots!


Parent Teacher Meeting

| November 23, 2015

Today was our parent teacher conference at school. Mark and I were anxious to talk to Sam’s teacher to make sure she was doing well in school. We thought she was, but you just never know. It was a quick 20 minute or so appointment, and I didn’t really have anyone to watch Sam, so I decided, to heck with it. She is a big girl. She can sit in the hallway and amuse herself with my Kindle while we meet with Ms. Cipolloni. When we got there, one of the tables outside her classroom happened to be set up with crayons and a bunch of turkey and other Thanksgiving pages and Sam sat outside, quiet as could be, coloring and eating her snack.

Anyway, we met with her teacher and to sum it up, Sam is doing really well. She is still one of the quieter group of kids, but she does have her friends, she gets along well with everyone, and she does talk in class both voluntarily and also even when she doesn’t raise her hand and the teacher calls on her. We discussed her progress reading and she is pretty much average. Not doing better than she should be, and not doing worse. I talked to Ms. Cipolloni about how she just recently seemed to have an interest in learning to read, she tries to find her sight words and she is trying to spell things. I related a time recently when Sam wrote something and asked me if I could read it. It was hard to understand, but one of the words she tried to write was “hopped”. She wrote it “hpt”. She has done this before. When spelling words, she tends to skip all the vowels. Her teacher said it is perfectly normal at this age, the vowels are the hardest for kids to understand, and that frankly, it was impressive that she even used the “p” since most kids at her age are very focused on the beginning and end sounds and skip over the middle entirely. So, she is doing great. Sam likes her homework, likes reading her 100 book challenge books, and she loves school. And she does seem to be learning, not only reading, but math and science as well. I can’t ask for much more than that.

Hopefully, she will continue in that vein and be off and reading for real soon!

Trunk or Treat

| October 31, 2015

Last night was the Trunk or Treat at Sam’s school. It’s exactly what it sounds like. People volunteer to decorate their car or SUV trunks and the kids trick or treat from them. It was held in the school parking lot and there was lots of music, some games and crafts, and of course, trick or treating! Sam wasn’t really sure what was going to go on, but once she did it, she loved it!

Before we left, Sam needed a photo with her sidekick, Penelope.


The trunks were very cool. Some were so elaborate, I don’t know how they got set up in time. The Frozen one was a hit, as you can imagine.



Before we went inside for crafts, we stopped for some pictures.


Sam saw her friend, Chase, from preschool. How could we not take a photo of Batman and Batgirl?


Julia! Sam was very excited to see her friend.


After Trunk or Treat was over, we didn’t want to head straight home. Sam was having a great time and she looked so cute. We stopped at a local house that was decorated nicely and took in the spookiness. So much Haloweening – and we haven’t even reached Halloween yet!



Monsters on Parade

| October 29, 2015

Today was Sam’s Halloween stroll around the school. All the kids got dressed up in their costumes and walked around the school twice. They all looked adorable! Sam was thrilled that the teachers were dressed up like the little aliens from the Toy Story movie. She had such a good time showing off her Batgirl costume (without mask, of course).


Sam really loves her teacher, Miss Cipolloni. She seems like a lot of fun, and just perfect for a bunch of silly kindergarteners.






We did see Sam’s friend, Julia, too, which was fun. We tend to see her at most school events, even though she is in first grade now.


After the parade, we got a great picture of Sam’s whole class.



Finally, before going home, we were allowed to stay and enjoy their snack with them on the playground. Sam spent most of her time chatting with her friend, Adeline, rather than me, but that’s perfectly fine. 🙂
