pamelamyers | May 19, 2014
“This is the best graduation day, EVER!” So declared Sam on this most wonderful day, Sam’s preschool graduation day. Well, let’s be clear, she didn’t technically graduate since she has one more year at Saint Matthew’s, but that is what they call it. But she did finish her first year of school. This is amazing to me. My girl. Finished a year of school. Holy cow.
Sam knew it was an important day. We kept telling her it was, definitely, but she knew it, I think, on her own. They had been preparing at school a lot and I think she understood the ceremony was a big deal. She just got a new packet of Hello Kitty books (part of her Scholastic order at school — I love that they still have that) and one was about preschool graduation. I said something like, “Look, Sam, Hello Kitty has a cap just like you will wear” and Sam corrected me immediately by telling me that Hello Kitty’s cap is blue and hers will be yellow! Well. Excuse me.
The kids all came into the church one by one down the aisle wearing their caps and got in place with their class. We were all wondering why they took their caps off, but it turned out it was because there was a very big concert to take place and the caps most likely would have gotten in the way, if not of their singing, but of their adorable little faces! Thankfully, Sam was in the front row again so we got lots of exposure to her adorable smile! She asked me to bring her stuffed octopus to the graduation (she had been carrying him around for days) and I think that is why she is smiling so broadly. He kept peeking at her over the pew.

After doing the Pledge of Allegiance, the kids started singing. This particular song was one of Sam’s favorites that she has been singing at home. She never did the hand moves for me at home, though. It is called, “Oh, Mr. Sun” and goes like this:
Oh, Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
Please shine down on me.
Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
Hiding behind a tree
These little children are asking you
To please come out so we can play with you.
Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on,
Please shine down on me.

Sam just smiled and smiled the whole time. She was having the time of her life. It is so different than her Christmas concert, which she enjoyed, but the whole time she was a little nervous, I think. She didn’t sing as much then, and her smile would come and go. Now, five months later, my girl is shining just like she always is at home, confident, happy, and right at home with her classmates.

After the many, many songs the kids performed (I can’t believe how many they learn!) it was time for the handing out of certificates. The kids all went “backstage” as it were and came out, one by one, when their names were called by Mrs. Maylie, the Director of the school.

Mrs. McCann, her teacher, shook her hand and gave her a Certificate commemorating her accomplishment.

Sam may have been smiling the whole time, but I will admit, I felt tears welling up so many times during the ceremony. I am just so proud of her.

Sam’s bestest pal Julia. 🙂

Time for the Goodbye song, which I know Sam tells me they sing every day before they leave school. And home we go!

After the ceremony, everyone mingled outside and it was a perfect time for pictures. It was a gorgeous day, but windy, so Sam had to hold onto her cap!

Mrs. McCann was walking around, talking to all the kids and parent, and she made sure to tell Sam that she would miss her and to stop by next year and say hi! Sam will miss Mrs. McCann, I know. She really was the perfect teacher for Sam this year, very kind, helping to bring Sam out of her shell.

Sam and Mark walked home while I drove the car back. You can just see the excitement, still, in her face.

Home at last, and back to her swing! I am starting to think every blog post is going to end this way!

Congratulations, Sam, on your accomplishment. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you. When you addressed and signed Thank You cards for both Mrs. McCann and Mrs. Curran, the assistant teacher, what you didn’t know is that we also included a letter with a gift. In this letter, one of the things that we pointed out was a question that was asked of us in your registration packet before you started school. We were asked: “How do you hope your child will benefit most from nursery school?” and our reply was this: “Become more independent, interact better with other kids, become more social, be prepared for kindergarten both intellectually but also emotionally and socially.” Sam, you have succeeded. You are not quite ready for kindergarten yet, but you are still too young. You have succeeded in meeting our goals for you. You love going to school. You are so much more outspoken, you have no hesitation on the playground approaching new friends, and you know so many things you did not know before. We are so proud of your accomplishments and can’t wait to see what you do next. We love you, Sam. Happy Graduation Day!
Category: School |