Sam the gymnast

| August 4, 2009

Sometimes Sam is very quiet during the day, and most of the time she is quiet at night (I am hoping that is a sign of good things to come….), but boy, last night she was really active!  Every time I woke up last night (and I wake up a lot) she was bouncing all around in there.  She had a quiet day yesterday, so maybe she was finally waking up a bit.  It is so weird now though — her movements are so different, which I guess is not surprising since she is running out of room.  I used to feel very definite kicks and turns and things like that in discrete areas of my abdomen.  Now, it’s more of an all over rumble.  And most of the time I can see my whole stomach move.  I used to get the occassional push out on one side, but now it’s just all over.  The whole thing freaks Mark out a little, and I can understand why. It is a strange thing to be sitting around watching tv or working or whatever, and suddenly see your whole stomach move in a tidal wave.  As strange as it is, I know that once she is born I will miss feeling her moving around inside.  She is my constant companion, and I have found you get used to it really quickly.  When she is not moving around much, I try poking her and squeezing my stomach a bit to get her going again.  Not because I am worried that she is not moving (they do sleep a lot in there), but because I just miss her saying “hi” in the only way she can right now.  Sometimes you can play games with her now….if you feel a hard spot on my stomach where you know she is pressing out, and you press there, she kicks back : )  It’s kind of cute.  I knew how badly I wanted to be a mom, but to be honest I never, ever thought that I would enjoy being pregnant. But I really do. It’s the most amazing thing in the world.