Lots of music for Sam lately

| August 15, 2009

The last couple of weekends we have been playing a lot of music for little Sam. Last week we played a lot of jazz including Lee Morgan “Leeway”, Curtis Fuller “Imagination” (my favorite trombone player), and Helen Merill “Helen Merill with Clifford Brown”. We also got some classic rock albums in including Pink Floyd “Wish You Were Here” and Bad Company “Bad Company”.

Tonight Pam wanted to cuddle up and relax on the couch with Muffin so we have been spinning Julie London all night. She is our favorite torch singer. We listened to “Julie is Her Name” and “Sophisticated Lady”. I wanted to play more but Pam kept falling asleep so I sent her off to bed!

We also recently put a nice little CD player in Sam’s room so we can play music for her. We were testing it out with some Anonymous 4  who is a choral group that we have liked for a long time. They are a quartet who reconstruct and sing  medieval music in various languages like Old English, Latin, Gaelic, and so on. They sing beautiful music and Pam and I both agreed that it would be perfect to soothe little Sam. They tour reguarly and every Christmas they come to St. Mark’s Church in Philadelphia. Pam and I always go; we hope they keep touring so we can bring Sam there one day to hear them!

Do you hear what I hear….?

| August 15, 2009

On Thursday, August 13 I went in for Sam’s latest non-stress test (which of course, went well).  The nurse and Dr. Gerson, who popped in to see how I was doing, said, once again, she is doing great in there.  The test went a little long this time since they were pretty busy with another patient, so I started to get a little antsy (you know how I can be…).  The TV wasn’t on, I had nothing to read, and Mark wasn’t there to talk to, so I started playing with my cell phone (which is still sort of new and I still can’t quite figure out).  Anyway, I found this nifty feature called “Record Audio”.  So I recorded away!  If you have speakers, you can hear what Mark and I think is one of the best sounds in the world.  Click below!


When they checked my fluid level using the ultrasound I was told she is still head down (we thought it was possible she may move, but she didn’t).  Her little round butt is on my right, and her feet are to my left.  I thought so…I always feel a tiny knob pressing hard into my left side.  Now I have confirmation that it’s her little feet pushing into me!  The nurse did show me her breathing (it sort of looked like an accordian) which she said was very cool since they only actually breathe a few times an hour.  Babies in utero get all their oxygen from the umbilical cord, so these were just practice breaths!  Isn’t it crazy how their lungs can breathe fluid in and out and then from the minute they are born they can breathe air just fine?  I find the whole thing incredibly amazing.

Sorry…no photos from this ultrasound.  The machine they use to measure fluid is pretty darn archaic looking and the screen is grainy so I don’ t think they bother.  But I’ll have my next real ultrasound in 2 weeks!