Latest doctor’s appointment
pamelamyers | September 8, 2009
Just a short post today, but I wanted to give an update on how little Sam is progressing. I saw Dr. Bailey today for my latest checkup. I was happy to find out that I lost 2 pounds from last week’s visit : ) He was really happy with how things were doing, and how my sugar control has been. He told me that I “do it better than anyone” and I took really good care of my little girl. I know this, but it is nice to hear. Sam is now at “station zero” and I am 100% effaced and 1cm dilated! For anyone (girls) who knows what this means, she is moving along really well! He again said he does not think there is any way I’d make my due date, but at next week’s visit we are going to choose a date for induction, just in case I don’t go into labor on my own before then. I told him that the waiting is making the control-freak in me crazy, and he agreed with me that choosing a date might help a little since I will know that at the very latest, she will come on that day. I can’t wait to find out when she will arrive! I am just so up in the air about my ideal way it happens….do I want to just go into labor on my own or would I rather know exactly when it is going to happen? In some ways, being induced would be better — I’d know when things were going to get rolling, I’d know he would be there to deliver her, etc. But I guess that’s all up to Sam!