Back to Grandmom and Poppy’s!

| November 5, 2010

Sam just spent her first week back and Grandmom and Poppy’s house after being home with us for two weeks.  She always loves going there which I am really thankful for.  She never cries in the morning when I leave her, or clings to me especially much, and that helps a lot when I have to go to work. I sometimes think at the end of the day she is not thrilled to be going home!  Since my mom was away for two weeks, Sam hasn’t been there.  This week was her first week back.  How did it go?  Well, hmm…let me see.  Sam napped twice a day EVERY DAY.  Yup.  That’s right.  Every. Day.  For around an hour and a half each nap.  So, what have I been saying about Sam not napping for me or Mark?  I think Grandmom has the magic touch.  Today she was home with me and she did — eventually — take a nap, but not until around 12:30 and after trying two times before that to get her to go to sleep.  Mark says it is because she is just so excited to be home with us that she doesn’t want to spend her time sleeping.  Yeah, ok.  I’ll go with that.

My mom also took her a few days ago for her second flu shot.  Sam was brave and didn’t cry at all, which I am thankful for.   That was the first time my mom has taken Sam to the doctor on her own because frankly Sam doesn’t generally get sick.  Let’s hope Sam stays healthy and that it is the last time Mom has to take her there for a long while!

Otherwise Sam is doing great.  She is a happy, healthy baby.  She is cruising around like mad so I keep waiting for those first magic steps on her own, but nothing yet.  She has a million teeth coming in and I think they are really bothering her now.  She has been biting, chewing, drooling, and being a little fussy about eating anything that requires chewing, even her favorite foods.  Hopefully that will pass soon.

Mark and I are going to try to get out and about this weekend in the fresh air and to take some pictures of Sam.  We’ll post soon!