Saturday Silliness

| November 7, 2010

Saturday morning was a quiet one where we tried to relax and just have some fun with Samantha.  She was still in her jammies, and while we were playing on the recliner, Mark took some nice pictures of us.

I like this first one. I don’t know why, but I just love the look on Sam’s face.  She does that little bottom lip suck-in a lot when she is thinking hard.  She always has the most expressive face.  She is concentrating very hard here trying to figure out how to get onto the end table without my noticing and pulling her back.


A nice cuddle moment. 🙂


Tickle monster!


This one is so cute.  Sam has gotten really adept at getting her snacks out of her cup.  The cup has sort of perforated rubber flaps so the snacks don’t fall out, but she can reach in.  She is trying to tell me, “Mom, my Goldfish crackers seem to be gone.”


We are not sure what is going on here, but it looks like she is showing us her constantly emerging teeth (which have been really paining her lately).  It’s like she’s saying, “It hurts right HERE.”


After Sam’s little photo session, Zephyr did the cutest thing.  Lately, and we are not sure what started it, she has been drinking out of our cups when they are unguarded.  The first time we saw her do it was out of the cup on Mark’s nightstand.  He always brings a glass of water to bed with him and one night he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and when he returned found her drinking out of it.  She tries to do it all the time now.  There wasn’t much water left in this glass so she really had to reach in.

Look at her cute little smushed face! We love how clearly you can see her through the glass.  It makes me remember more than ever that although Sam is the light of our lives, we have another wonderful little girl that we love so very much.

