Just some cute portraits

| January 3, 2011

Sam had just woken up from a nap yesterday and was crawling all around when I snapped these photos. Her hair is getting so long now and gets all rumply when she naps, just like her Dad’s. 🙂

Later on we tried to tame her wild mane with a barrette. She didn’t seem to mind actually and it looked really cute.

Mealtime with Sam

| January 3, 2011

Sam is getting to be such a good little eater.  After months of thinking this kid was never going to accept table food as anything other than poison, she eats so well now.  It is so cute to sit with her at the table while she is in the high chair and watch her shovel her food in.  Mark and I say that often, that we love just watching her eat.  That is something that only a parent could say, I swear.  How boring, right?  But honestly, it is just so cute to us.  She is sort of dainty while she eats, she never truly gets that messy, her face only needs a quick swipe and her hands are fairly clean.  In so many ways, she is so girly, the way she eats, the way she plays.  I hate getting messy with food personally, so maybe she eats that way from watching me.

Anyway, one of the funniest things she always does is after she eats when I go to clean her up.  She absolutely hates having her face cleaned.  She sees me coming with the rag or wipe and can’t do enough to get away from me.  When you are wiping her face she shakes her head back and forth really fast like she is trying to get away, but it actually helps with the wiping, so it’s ok.  Mark took some pictures of her at lunchtime yesterday that are very typical Sam.

Here she is enjoying her chicken and broccoli.

Uh, oh.  Here comes Mommy.  I see that wipe!

Noooooo!!!!  Get away from me!

Is she gone yet?

No, oh no, she’s still here!

Whew, I think she’s gone!

Ha ha ha…I foiled your attempts to clean me.  Score one for the baby!

Sleepy now…avoiding wipes is a lot of work.  (That is also the face that Sam makes when she is tired.  It’s a sure sign that naptime should be imminent….)