Dr. Sammy

| March 5, 2012

Sam is at that great age right now where make believe is a big deal.  She likes to pretend all time.  I am starting to think I need to make a “dress up box” for her.  She loves playing with her kitchen, imagining her stuffed animals are doing various things, and frankly, just being a goofball.  She got her a doctor set for Christmas that she plays with all the time.  She is always asking to “listen mommy’s heart?” and banging on my knee with the little hammer.  We always call her “Doctor Sammy” when she is all decked out in her accessories.  I think she looks so adorable.  Here she is in her finest.  Maybe a medical degree is in her future!

Stackin’ Stuff

| March 5, 2012

Sam, like most toddlers, can be sort of OCD at times.  Sam has this thing with stacking things up.  Sometimes it is normal things like blocks, but other times…well…not so normal.  The other day she was helping me, like usual, with the dishwasher.  I was loading dirty dishes and had my utensils neatly dividing into the little holders in my utensil rack.  Every time I do this, Sam feels the need to rearrange them.  I have no idea why.  This latest time, she pulled all the utensils out of their individual holes and put them together, told me they were kissing, and then put the bowl, well, you can see….

Not long after that, one morning I was getting dressed for work.  Sam is always following me around, talking to me, picking out my clothes, down to my underwear, and picking out my shoes and jewelry.  She often asks to see the various things on my dresser and this particular day, she went about her stacking….I think she did a pretty good job!

I am a Virgo, which traditionally has been described as a somewhat OCD, meticulous type of zodiac sign, and Sam missed it by one day, she is a Libra.  I don’t really tend to believe in that stuff very much, but I have to admit, I am a Virgo to a T, so I do recall when I was in labor thinking, oh Lord, she will be a Virgo like me, then being glad she was a more relaxed Libra.  Hmmm…maybe she is a little more like her mommy than I thought.

Play Dough

| March 5, 2012

A few weeks ago, Krista introduced Sam to Play Dough.  We were at Mark’s parents’ house and Krista had brought some for the kids to play with.  Sam was so thrilled!  I had never bought her any, I don’t know why, I guess I never thought about it, and I am so glad that she got the opportunity to play.  Sam loved it so much that I had to buy her some Play Dough and a kit for our house.  Sam asks all the time to play with it.  We mush it through her machine and roll it out with a rolling pin.  Sam only likes to make heart shaped “cookies” though, which is cute.  I don’t think she realizes it is actually called “Play Dough” though….when she wants to use it, she asks, “Play Dough” like you would say Play Dolls or Play House.  Thanks Aunt Krissy for introducing Sam to so much fun.  Here are some pictures of her playing recently.