Sam’s 3 Year Checkup
pamelamyers | October 6, 2012
Yesterday was Sam’s 3 year checkup at the pediatrician. After the dentist this week, I wasn’t really looking forward to it, but she is generally pretty good at the doctor. She doesn’t cry or make a fuss, even when she gets shots. A lot of the doctors actually comment on how good she is. And, she has been really into watching Doc McStuffins on TV and is constantly giving all her stuffed animals their checkups. But you never know.
Why was I worried? Our little girl did great! The only part she really didn’t like was when I made her get undressed. She didn’t understand why she had to take her clothes off. Sam got weighed and measured and they took her blood pressure for the first time. That, she was not too thrilled about. I can understand why. Those blood pressure cuffs squeeze pretty hard and she had no idea what was going on. She sat on my lap the whole time and it took longer than it should have since she kept moving her arm around, but they got it and she was done. Her weight was 27 lbs, 12.5 oz (19th percentile for weight – typical, my skinny minny girl), her height was 37.5″ (53rd percentile for height – again typical, she is tall) and her BMI (which they have never really done before was 13.89 (or the 4th percentile). I am always concerned about her weight, but the doctor thankfully was not. Sam has always been tall and thin and as long as she stays in that same growth pattern, there is nothing to worry about. We also discussed her eating habits, her pickiness, etc. and again, the doctor was not concerned. She did try to offer some encouraging words about how once she starts preschool and sees the other kids eating other foods, she may join in. Her blood pressure was 106/74, which was very good.
I also asked the doctor for some vitamins with fluoride. She needs the vitamins I think based on her lack of food variety and the fluoride I want since she is a pain about brushing her teeth. She won’t let me use toothpaste without a huge fight. Anyway, what a surprise, Sam wants nothing to do with her chewable vitamins! If they could make them look like M&Ms, I may have a shot at getting her to try them.
Lastly, Sam got her annual flu shot. She was really good and just barely whimpered a bit at the end, but she never cried. I asked the doctor what shots are coming up and she told me there are a bunch next year, mostly because of school. So we have those good times to look forward to!
I am just so grateful and so happy that our little girl is so healthy, and “normal” and wonderful. I can’t imagine life without her. And I hear all the time about people with sick kids and my heart goes out to them. Sam is so perfect, at least to us, that we are the luckiest parents in the world.