Hurricane Sandy
pamelamyers | October 30, 2012
I don’t know what it is about Pennsylvania now but it seems like we are always getting hammered by hurricanes. Fourteen months ago it was Irene, and this year, Sandy. I don’t know what is worse, getting snow the day before Halloween like we did last year, or a hurricane. I guess I’d have to say hurricane. The news had everyone scared to death, and rightfully so, I guess since this hurricane, a huge monster, was set to make landfall right on the New Jersey coast. Here is a satellite image taken on Monday, October 29, 2012, the day it hit the U.S. It is unbelievable how large the storm was, extending from Georgia to the far Northeast.
We did everything we could to prepare over the weekend, buying non-perishable food, getting gas for the cars and the generator, stocking up on flashlights and batteries, and otherwise assembling “blackout” gear in case we lost power, which we are prone to do. More than once, having a generator saved us. It keeps our refrigerator and freezer going so we still have food, and in the summer, has kept our air conditioner on so we can sleep. Mark’s physical office was closed on Monday AND today, which has never happened before, but he was able to work from home. Thankfully, it was my regular day off so I didn’t have to think about work. So, Monday we spent all day inside looking at the rain and the wind and waited for Sandy to actually strike. It was a long day, but Sam was so incredibly good. We played all kinds of games and she kept herself amused the best she could.
We made it through the entire storm Monday without losing power, which was shocking. We only had 2 or 3 blips where everything went black for about 5 seconds then came back on. This happened right as I was trying to get Sam to go to bed. Mark and I were hoping that we could get her to sleep before any potential power failures because, well, it would just be easier that way. Her nightlight is rechargeable so it would stay on all night and she wouldn’t even notice the lights were out. Just as I was taking her to bed and she was kissing Daddy goodnight, the lights, and the television, blipped off. My daughter sure has her priorities straight…never once asked what happened to the lights, but the TV, that is another matter entirely! As we were walking up the stairs, she was babbling on and on to the tune of this:
“What happen to the tee-bee? Maybe it need new batteries….maybe it have old batteries…we got to tell Daddy to put new batteries in the tee-bee….” I had a hard time not cracking up laughing. I assured her that yes, Daddy would fix the TV and all would be well.
At any rate, even though New Jersey was hit very hard, thankfully we fared just fine. No power loss, no water in the house, no damage. So we are counting our blessings, once again.