More Potty Progress

| February 17, 2013

So, potty training has been going really well. Sam uses the potty every single time and has not had any accidents at all. Not even close. Lately, she has been fighting me about her “special nighttime diapers”, which are the pull-ups. I keep telling her that she has to wear them because, even though she is a very big girl and uses the potty all day, I don’t know if while she is sleeping she can hold it in. She understands and grudgingly puts them on, often wanting to put her underpants on too, on top of the pull-up. I do think that the pull-ups seem really dry every morning, with a few exceptions, but it is hard to say if they are totally dry or not. I think it’s a little soon in the process to ditch them, so I am making her wear them for a while. Regardless of how many dry pull-ups I see, every once in a while, she has a soaked one, so we are not ready yet. But at least she has the desire to not wear them, and I think that is good. One more sign she is ready to be a big girl.

Then one other thing happened. Last night, Sam slept at my mom’s house because Mark and I had a wedding to attend. My mom told me that she checked the pull-up really well in the morning and it seemed really dry. Then, today, I went grocery shopping, and when I got home Mark told me that Sam disappeared on him and when he went to find her she was in the bathroom sitting on her little potty by herself, pants down, and she had gone potty!  She never did that before. I always have to go with her, pull her pants down, and help her. So she can do it if she needs to, all by herself. One more step in her independence!