Sick Sammy

| March 12, 2013

This morning I had to take Sammy to the doctor. She had started showing signs of a cold yesterday, but we were hoping it wasn’t much of anything.  Well….we were wrong. Overnight, Sam hardly slept. She crashed pretty easily for me, which I was happy about, but woke up about an hour later crying that her mouth hurt.  She was so visibly distressed that it was sad. I did get her back to sleep, but then she was up again. And again. Mark took her temperature and she had a fever of about 100. All night she was miserable and crying about her mouth hurting and asking me to please help her. Nothing in the world makes you feel worse than your child asking you to help and knowing there isn’t really much you can do. Finally, she wound up in our bed and she slept for a few hours. I was afraid she was having some sort of tooth trouble since she is such a pain about letting me brush her teeth, but in the morning, Mark had the idea that she probably meant her throat hurt and just didn’t know how to express the difference. After a few well placed questions we figured out that, yes, her throat was the culprit. I was a bit panicked since one of my co-worker’s toddler sons just had strep throat. Of course, I was paranoid. I called the doctor in the morning and told them I wanted her checked out, just in case. She did indeed have a fever, but a mild one. The pediatrician did a step test which thankfully came back negative, so it was just a cold. Poor Sammy girl.  I let her hang out on the couch with me all day and gave her lots of tv time. We took a long nap together in the afternoon which we both needed desperately! I just hope she gets better soon so that she sleeps again and so that I am not dealing with a sick little girl while Mark is in Germany next week!