Eye Check

| November 14, 2013

Sam’s school has an optician come in and do eye exams on the kids if you choose to have it done. With our sad history of poor eyes, Mark and I thought it was a good idea to have her looked at. Not that we don’t think her peepers are perfect.  The kid sees everything, and I mean EVERYTHING.  The smallest little sparkle on the floor or the furthest away dog she sees. If it wasn’t for Sam, we probably couldn’t have been sure the tick on her tummy this summer was a tick. It looked like a freckle to me, and I was trying to decide if that is in fact what it was when she told me she saw his legs.  Yikes. At any rate, we had her eyes checked and the report came back that she is perfect. No signs of near or far sightedness, colorblindness, or any other issues. We keep hoping that somehow she will buck the trend and not get eyes like Mark or me. Who knows, it could happen.  None of us expected a redhead, right?