Here comes the bride…
pamelamyers | March 6, 2014
Sam was getting ready to go to her friend Julia’s house a few days ago and I was upstairs getting myself ready to go. When I came down, Mark told Sam, “Tell Mommy what you just told me.” She got a bit shy, and Mark explained that he was talking to Sam about how lucky she was to have such a good friend in Julia and then asked her about her other friends at school. He was naming a bunch of the girls and Sam was saying whether or not she plays with them. Then Mark said, “What about the boys?” Mark asked Sam to tell me what her response was and Sam told me … wait for it ….
“One of the boys at school asked me to marry him.”
Um. What?!
After my mind stopped whirling I asked her what she said when he asked her, and she smiled and said, “I just laughed.” I told her that was an excellent reply. When we had this conversation she said she couldn’t remember which boy it was but she later revealed it was Franny. Mmm hmmm. Franny. You better watch it Franny, my boy! We are watching you! 🙂