pamelamyers | April 24, 2014
One concept that Sam has had trouble grasping in the past is opposites. She has some books about opposites that I have read her, but she doesn’t seem to get what it is trying to show. Well, she has gotten better all of the sudden. Mark was going over opposites with her recently and she was very into the idea. She wanted me to run pairs with her, so I kept trying to come up with new ones to stump her. She has most of the standard ones down, such as these:
Up – Down
In – Out
Slow – Fast
High – Low
Here – There
Hot – Cold
And a bunch of others. But when I got to “Wet” she thought about it for a minute, and gave me the technically correct answer —
“Not Wet”
Well. Yes. But no. I explained to her that it was cheating, and she just smiled at me. She knew. My clever little girl.