Camping anyone?

| September 7, 2014

Sam has a fascination with the idea of camping in our backyard. Mark has told her that sometime they can but we need a tent first. He finally decided to go and buy one so that if the fancy ever strikes, we will be ready. Well, HE will be ready. I am still not completely sold on the sleeping in a tent idea…

The tent is orange, of course, or at least partly orange, much to Sam’s delight. We set it up in our backyard and Sam got right in. Zephyr was crying at the door to go out so we brought her out to investigate too!


Sam really liked the tent and I think was ready to sleep in it that night. We quickly put the end to that idea since work beckoned the next day. She was really excited – so excited that the poor girl took a header out of the tent – twice, because she forgot about the little step you have to take to get out! The sleeping outside may not happen anytime soon, but I am sure Mark will venture out with her as soon as they are able. He bought a fire pit too, something we have been talking about, so they are all set for a real campout.

I kind of love the idea of having the house to myself but I am sure they will try to get me to sleep outside too. I don’t know who I am kidding. Sam is never going to let me sleep in the house while they are outside. She is getting a lot better at sleeping in her own bed but that is going a bit too far for her. Most nights, Sam manages to stay in her bed until 5 a.m., which is the random time I determined I will let her come to bed with us. How she seems to not come in until then, I have no idea. Luck I guess, since the girl can’t tell time.

At any rate, a-camping we will go! Sometime. Not tonight. Or next week. Next month maybe?….