It’s a Jungle Out There!

| March 30, 2017

Last night was the Jungle Jamboree at Sam’s school. It is the first grade event similar to the kindergarten pajama party she had last year. Almost all the kids wore animal print or animal clothing. Sam loves it mostly because she just loves any event at her school, but also because it is a nighttime activity and so she gets to stay up late! The kids move through the night from activity to activity depending on what class they are in, so Sam got to do things with her classmates, which is nice. The first activity was Bingo. She had fun sitting with her friends, Ella and Lydia, racing to get Bingo first.


Next stop was crafts. The kids made these little snakes from pipe cleaners and beads.



On to the photo booth (which wasn’t really a photo booth in that no actual pictures were given out!) The kids liked using the props and I think the photos will eventually be developed and displayed at school somewhere. It’s funny, I didn’t actually see one kid ask where their pics were. I think it was just about the fun for them.


The games were fun for the kids, but pretty easy. All in all though, they all had a blast. The room was so full of smiles.


Sam and a buddy. 🙂


Sam’s last activity was dance party and I was kind of glad. It was a great way for her to end the night. She loved dancing around with her friends, doing a conga line, and generally being a maniac. When it was over, she was so sad the night was done. She was having so much fun dancing with her friend, Teagan.  When we got home, it was hard to get her to bed because she was so worked up. School the next day was going to be interesting for the teachers, that’s for sure. Better them than me!
