She’s Growing Like a Weed

| January 10, 2019

Sam had her annual well visit today and she is healthy as can be! She only missed one letter on the eye chart so her eyes are still perfect (I don’t know where she got them – certainly not from either me or Mark!) and her blood pressure was normal. For the first time they did a cholesterol test via a finger stick and it came back normal too. I didn’t expect it to come back high – she doesn’t eat enough food, much less fatty food – for it to be an issue!

She is still a stick only weighing 52 lbs 4 oz (8th percentile!) and is 4 ft 3 in tall (22nd percentile). I always feel like she is getting so tall, and she is, but really, there are so many kids in her class that are taller than her. Her growth chart as far as the curve has remained the same, so even though she is super slim, the doctors don’t worry because that is how she has always been. She only gained a few pounds and not much in height, so I am going to try to get her to start eating not only more, but better foods. It’s still a battle around here with food. She is a….shall we say…selective eater. Still. That has not changed much. Only once in a while she will try something new, and even if she says, “It’s not bad” she usually won’t eat it again.  I’m just glad that she is overall a healthy kid, hardly gets sick other than occasional runny noses, and we have very few trips to the doctor. Isn’t that what every parent wants? A happy, healthy kid? Well, we have one, and I am very, very grateful.