About this blog

Welcome to our blog!  We created this site so that our friends and family could receive regular updates on how Pam’s pregnancy was progressing, see photos, and send us messages if they’d like.  Now that baby Samantha Anne has been born, on Wednesday, September 23, 2009, we update this site so that everyone can keep tabs on our little girl and see photos of her as she grows.  We couldn’t be more excited to have her in our lives!

Mark and Pam

2 Responses to “About this blog”

  1. Michele Healey says:

    Hi Pam and Mark,

    Welcome Samantha, you are a so very beautiful, congratulations and best of luck!!!!


  2. sara ward says:

    this is you’er 8 year old cousin sara sam is so cute
    tell everybody i said hi and can’t what to see
    them good luck!!!!! with baby sam love ya’ll lots
    wish i could be there with you but i have school

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