Tooth Fairy Time

Posted By on October 25, 2015

Yesterday Sam lost her first tooth! The first, and most wiggly, came right out as we were sitting watching TV yesterday morning. Sam right away took her tooth upstairs and put it in the special tooth fairy box that Poppy got her a long time ago. Right under the pillow it went! Sam isn’t taking any chances that she might forget. Of course, the tooth fairy came last night and left Sam $5.00 and this note:

Tooth Fairy Ltr 2015-10-24

Sam was super excited that the Tooth Fairy came, and left her a letter. She wondered if the picture is what she actually looks like. Who knows? Now if that other wiggly tooth would come out, Sam would be happy. It is bugging her to no end!

Here’s a picture of her gap toothed smile (she was going to a costume birthday party for her classmate, Olivia, hence the costume).


And since she’s so cute, just a few more…


She looks adorable in last year’s costume. I’m glad she still likes it.



One Response to “Tooth Fairy Time”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Adorable little witch without her front tooth.

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