Sam’s 1st Visit with Santa

Posted By on November 24, 2009

Yesterday, Mark and I took Samantha to the Springfield Mall for her first visit with Santa.  We had a talk before we left the house and I told Sam that she didn’t have to smile, because that would be asking a lot, but all I ask is that she try to look at the camera and, please, don’t cry.  She listened, which is not surprising, since she is sitting on Santa’s lap — that’s no time to be bad!  She’s no fool!  I can’t wait for Christmas this year.  Last year was not a great one for me and Mark…we had just found out Muffin was sick (although, thankfully, and surprisingly, he is still with us!), and we were so depressed about still not having a child.  What a difference from last year!  I don’t think Sam will really appreciate what Christmas is this year, she is really too small, but we certainly will appreciate how things have changed in our lives, and how lucky we are to have her.  I think her favorite part of Christmas will be all the lights, since she is attracted to light whether it is on her toys or just a bright, sunny day out the window. I plan on hanging a million!

Sam's first Santa Visit

3 Responses to “Sam’s 1st Visit with Santa”

  1. Bill Mason says:

    Ho Ho Ho Samantha. 😉

  2. Debbi Plenn says:

    That is absolutely the best pix of a little girl w/Santa that I have ever, ever seen and she definitely looks like Mark in that pix. Take lots of pix of her and Maddox on Thanksgiving.

  3. Debbi Plenn says:

    Btw, Santa looks very, very good too.

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