Sam’s smiles
Posted By pamelamyers on November 27, 2009
Sam is smiling and talking so much now — it is just hard to capture on film or video because her smiles are so quick that they are gone before you know it. Today she was in her bouncer chair talking and cooing up a storm. I have decided that right now, her favorite thing to say is, “aahhoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!” Whatever that means : ) But she very definitely says it a lot. Here are a few pics of her smiles. She can smile a lot bigger and her whole face lights up and her eyes crinkle, but I wasn’t able to get that on film today. But she is adorable, nonetheless.
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She’s a real doll. I love the last one. Does she like the swing?
She does, but she doesn’t LOVE it, like some babies do. She just kind of sits there like, eh, it’s ok.
Well, she may start to like it as she gets older.
Love this picture – friggin adorable
She is too freeking cute in her dress. It’s funny that i know exactly what you are reffering to, because that’s the first sound that my daughter made. As Sam gets older she will start to pull the animals off the swing. I have to keep putting them back on.