Happy New Year!
Posted By pamelamyers on December 31, 2015
This year, New Year’s Eve was pretty typical in our house. No one planned to stay up until midnight (although, Sam keeps insisting she wants to) and no special plans. Just the family, hanging out at home. Sam was asleep by 8:00, as usual, and Mark and I made it to about 10:30, I think. We are such party animals. 🙂
One thing Samantha and I did do before bed was try on our matching pajamas. It wasn’t intentional, the matching, at least not at first. I had bought Sam the polar bear pjs a few weeks before Christmas and then a few weeks later while shopping in a completely different store, Sam found almost perfectly matching Mommy-sized ones. She was so excited. She insisted I buy them, which, of course, I did! Here we are, the polar bear family!
It was a busy year, 2015. I feel like so much happened and it all flew by so quickly. But it was a good one. I tried really hard to remember as I said goodbye to 2015 that I am so lucky. Everything may not be exactly as I want it to be with life, it never is, is it? But our life is pretty great. There were too many years where Mark and I said Happy New Year and it wasn’t really that happy because we wanted a little person to share the new year with. We have what we wanted now. Our little girl. And she does make January 1, every year, something to be happy about. Happy New Year!
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