We are definitly outnumbered

Posted By on January 1, 2016

One of the tasks that I took on recently was trying to clean up Samantha’s disaster of a bedroom. I did manage to get it all cleaned up, with the exception of sorting out her stuffed animals. I try to keep them organized because if I don’t, she can never find the one she wants. And she always seems to want whoever it is she is looking for at bedtime.

I figured New Year’s day was as good a time as any to clean up the stuffed animal mess, so we started by dumping all of her animal bins on the floor so we could see who she had and organize them into the three bins she keeps them in. Oh boy. I think I severely underestimated how many stuffed animals this kid has.


And this doesn’t count the bunch that are still on her bed…


Even Zach seems to be saying, “What the heck?” Well, it is a lot, but I guess I can’t blame her. I probably had just as many when I was a little girl. And I loved all mine as much as she loves hers!


Oh. We did manage to get them organized, and she rediscovered a few lost souls who had been at the bottom of the bins. Sam was thrilled to hug every single one and a new menagerie is one her bed, waiting to snuggle!

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