Cake Decorating 101
Posted By pamelamyers on February 24, 2016
I have always wanted to know how to make fancy cakes using pretty frosting techniques and whatnot. Years ago, I asked Mark to buy me a bunch of Wilton frosting tips and tools and I never did learn anything. Recently, I enrolled in a four week class to learn how to make flowers and things and I had some practice to do at home. Sam was more than ready to help out! Not only is she thrilled that I took the course (because the only part of the cake she cares about is the frosting) but she got to play around too. Here she is making some flowers out of frosting. She didn’t do half bad!
I brought the cake home after class last night fully decorated with the flowers I had made at home, and some in the class. Sam wanted to pose with the cake and she made sure to point out a few of the flowers she made. When she made them, she asked me, very sheepishly, if I was going to use them on the cake. When I told her that of course I would, she was very proud. I made sure to tell her that everyone in my class, teacher included, thought she did a great job.
Sam has requested a multitude of flowers on her next birthday cake. Let’s hope I don’t forget my technique!
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The cake looks very professional