Define “adventure”

Posted By on June 20, 2016

I had a million errands to run today and of course, brought Sam with me. With her not being in school, she will be running a lot of boring errands, unfortunately for her. On one of our many stops, she found an orange jelly bracelet on the ground and asked me if she could keep it. I said she could and she proudly carted it around, sometimes on her wrist, sometimes as a necklace on the stuffed toy she had with her. We went to Wal-mart, Joann Fabrics and Petsmart. I knew she had it with her in Joann Fabric because I distinctly saw it. While in Petsmart, our next stop, Sam noticed it was gone. She was unhappy, of course, and I was feeling somewhat benevolent because I agreed we’d retrace our steps to find it. We looked all over Petsmart and wound up going all the way back to Joann Fabric (in the same shopping center) and went up and down every aisle we visited (while I carried heavy bags). We didn’t find it and I told her that it was too bad but it was gone and some kid probably picked it up just like she did.

We got to the car and I went to put something in Sam’s bag from Joann Fabric. The bracelet was in there. I was going to scream! It was partly my fault, I mean, I should have had the sense to look there before running around like an idiot, but I didn’t. When I said something to Sam about how she should have checked, why did she not remember she put it there, etc. etc. etc. her response was, “Well, at least it was an adventure!”

That kid’s definition of adventure surely differs from mine…

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