Thank you, Pop Pop!

Posted By on May 29, 2016

Mark’s dad is always doing woodworking at he had asked us recently if Sam would like a corn hole game. We absolutely thought she would so he made a pair for us. He left the painting to us so that we could make something Sam would like. When Mark showed Sam a bunch of photos of corn hole games on the Internet for ideas, of course, she couldn’t pick stripes, or a star, or some easy pattern. Nope. Very Hungry Caterpillar. Couldn’t be more complicated. But we really wanted her to have what she wanted so off Mark and Sam went to the Home Depot to find colors. They came home with perfectly matched colors and we created templates for the circles and drew the caterpillar. After Mark and Sam painted the boards, I painted the caterpillar on them. I must say, they turned out great! We are going to have a great time throwing bean bags this summer!


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