Indian Rock

Posted By on July 30, 2016

One of the places that Sam and her group went quite often while at Tyler camp was Indian Rock. We actually had no idea where it was, but thought it sounded like a good place to find, so off we went! The weather was cooperating and we all like being outside. Tyler is one of our favorite places, and having somewhere new to go seemed irresistible.

It didn’t take long to figure out where Indian Rock was supposed to be or which trail to take. It was on the shortest, easiest, most family-friendly trail, which is perfect for Sam. It certainly was beautiful back on the trail. Quiet, peaceful and we only saw one or two other people. Sam posed for a photo op next to this odd tree that had vines hanging from it. We told her she looked just like Curious George!


The trail was easy to follow, pretty flat, and boy, really pretty!


The crazy girl posing again. You can tell she is used to having her picture taken!


We did finally find Indian Rock, which is actually a conglomeration of rocks along a stream. Sam had fun looking for water bugs and worms and all kinds of creepy crawly things.



We all had a great day, but it was a bit warm and Sam was completely beat by the time we got done. I was just about dragging her along, but she made it. We stopped for a popsicle in the Tyler office before we left and that made it worth it! Who knew after all the times we’ve been to Tyler that we’d find something new, yet again. Love that place, and love that our little girl does too.

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