Reading with Sam

Posted By on December 24, 2009

I have been reading some books to Sam, but for the longest time it didn’t seem she was paying much attention. Recently though, she actually seems like she is paying attention so it is getting to be more fun.  The first book I read her (ever) was “If You Give A Cat A Cupcake” by Laura Numeroff.  I have also read her:

“I Am A Bunny” by Richard Scarry, which was one of my favorite books when I was little.  Richard Scarry was, and is, one of my favorite children’s authors. 

“Kitten’s Christmas” by Dick McCue

“Christmas Mice” also by Richard Scarry. 

As you can see, Christmas books are high on our list right now : )  We plan on reading her “The Night Before Christmas” tonight, and every Christmas Eve for as long as she will let us. I think it will be a nice tradition.  Anyway, here is a picture of me reading to her the newest book on her bookshelf, “That’s Not My Snowman” by Fiona Watt.  Since she has been showing some interest in the books, and reaching out for the pages, I wanted to get her a “Pat the Bunny” type of book.  The snowman book has textures on each page for her to touch.  I hope she loves to read as much as I do!


One Response to “Reading with Sam”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    The Pat the Bunny books will be great for Sam. Glad you read her books about cats and kittens, too. She does look interested in the pix. Hope you all are having a nice Christmas.

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