Isn’t it time for school yet?

Posted By on August 17, 2016

Wow. I never thought I’d be one of those moms. But I CANNOT WAIT for school to start! Sam is making us all crazy. It really isn’t her fault because all kids eventually get this way over the summer. She has gotten to the point where she is bored, misses her friends, and needs the routine. And honestly, she really does find school fun, so she misses it in general. We have all tried keeping her as busy as possible with two weeks of camp, a trip to the shore (soon to be two), days at the pool, swim lessons, play dates (although, there have not been many of those, and that is my fault), and all kinds of other things. There is only so much you can do though! Sam has never been a kid who does well keeping herself amused without wanting someone to play along with her. I keep telling her that as an only child she needs to learn how to play by herself without asking me, Mark or Grandmom to play with her, but she just doesn’t like it. Not unlike how she still won’t sleep alone, she just doesn’t like being by herself. Sometimes she will keep herself busy all day without asking for much, but not a lot. School cannot start soon enough! Bring on first grade!!

3 Responses to “Isn’t it time for school yet?”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    I didn’t know Sam still didn’t sleep alone. Do you mean she comes into your room early in the morning. Too bad the cats won’t sleep with her.

  2. pamelamyers says:

    She comes in every night, usually about 4 hours after she falls asleep. By 2 or 3, definitely she is there. She just will not sleep alone all night, no matter what I do. I am not kidding when I tell you that ONCE in all her life (aside from when she was in a crib and couldn’t get out) did I actually find her in her own bed come morning. I wouldn’t even know how to act if I had to go into her room to wake her up.

  3. Debbi Plenn says:

    Maybe when she goes to school all day, she will be exhausted and sleep through the night.

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