Over the bridge!
Posted By pamelamyers on August 20, 2016
We all went for a bike ride today. There is a stretch of the Schuylkill River trail near Valley Forge that runs totally flat and shaded for a while so it was perfect for Sam. Yesterday, a new pedestrian/bike bridge, the Sullivan’s Bridge, opened connecting the Schuylkill River Trail with Valley Forge National Historical Park. Mark really wanted to ride over it. There used to be a very terrifying walkway/bikeway that was literally bolted to the side of an adjacent motor vehicle bridge on Route 422. As you can imagine, no one liked it. It was only about 4 feet wide and looked like it was ready to fall off the main bridge any minute. Mark rode over it I think once, but I never would. Here is a photo I found on the Internet of the old bridge.
Yeah, scary. The new bridge is 14 feet wide and gorgeous. A nice passerby offered to take our photo.
Look at the view!
We did bike the trail and Sam did really well. On the way back, I yelled, Stop! Stop! A poor little turtle was trying to cross the path. He was likely to get run over! We stopped and were going to move him. I let some oncoming bikers know so they didn’t run him over, and the man stopped and moved him for us. I took a picture of him/her in the grass. Its head was tucked in so it’s mostly just a shell photo, but it’s a nice shell. Sam was so thrilled! First she saw a turtle at the beach, and now while biking! It’s been a turtle kind of summer.
Right before we got back to the car, Mark asked if Sam wanted to stop and rest a bit by the river. She was a little tired, don’tcha think?
Hopefully, there will be many more bike rides in the future, and longer ones, once those training wheels are off!
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