So this happened.
Posted By pamelamyers on September 30, 2016
Ok, so this happened.
Sam’s teacher emails the parents a pdf newsletter on Fridays about what they did that week, the books they read, important dates, etc. She always includes pictures of the class doing things, which I really appreciate. It is hard to not want to see everything that goes on during Samantha’s day. So, Mark was asking Sam who everyone in the pictures was. When Sam got to one photo, she says to him, “That’s Aiden. He told me he likes me. Then he said, ‘You’re my girlfriend.'”
Um. What? We asked Sam if Aiden was nice and she said yes, but she looked sort of amused by the whole thing. I mean, of course, he would want my gorgeous daughter to be his girlfriend. Duh. But…maybe not so soon. I’ve got my eye on you, Aiden….
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