Trying new things
Posted By pamelamyers on September 30, 2016
I probably mentioned a bunch of times that Sam’s picky eating habits have always concerned me. It is very hard to get her to eat, not only quantity, but variety. There are so few things she will eat and trying to get her to taste something new is difficult if not impossible. I was tired of fighting with her about it, so, on the advice of a book I read, I backed off. No more pressuring her to try new food, no more sticking food on her plate and expecting her to eat it. Well, I am not sure what happened, but lately, I have been noticing a distinct difference in how Sam perceives food. Maybe it was my changed behavior, maybe it’s watching the kids at school eat lunch, or maybe she’s just growing up (or maybe it’s a combination). At any rate, I am so happy she has been trying so many different foods! She doesn’t like all of them, and that’s ok by me. But she is trying. And she actually comes to me and says, “What do we have? I feel like trying something.”
Lately, she has tried bell peppers, strawberries, string cheese, provolone and swiss cheese, oranges, a whole bunch of new candy, glazed donuts (she would only eat the frosted kind) and I don’t know how many other things. I am actually losing track! It is hit or miss what she likes or does not, but I have actually found new food she will eat. Hallelujah!
Here she is cutting up orange slices. She didn’t actually like them, but she said she liked the juice so she sucked it all out! Yay, Sam!!
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As a child our pediatrician told our parents not to force us to eat anything and they didn’t. It all worked out in the end, as you can see from my girth!!!