Little worker bee
Posted By pamelamyers on November 28, 2016
Samantha really loves the little electronics projects that she and Mark have been doing. Recently, he made her a little flashlight in an Altoids type can. She absolutely loves it! The other day, we found her writing away in her journal by flashlight.
One of the more recent projects was making a “buzzer game.” It is sort of like the game Operation, for those who remember it, where you had to remove pieces from the game board without touching the sides or the game would buzz. In this version, the object is to move the wand, which has a loop that encircles the wire, around the length of the wire without touching the wire. If you touch, it buzzes. The game can be as easy or as difficult as you want it to be, depending on how complicated you make the wire path. Mark didn’t make ours too bad, just some moderate twists and turns.
Sam loves it! She really works at following the path. She does buzz quite a bit, but she tries hard. Look at that face! She is concentrating so hard.
Sam was so proud of her game, she had to show everyone in the family. Here she is trying to confound her cousin, Joey, at Aunt Maria’s birthday party.
I am so proud of how she has learned how to wire things and make things work. She understands it in a way I don’t, and probably not too many 7 year olds do!
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