Christmas is Coming!

Posted By on November 27, 2016

At least at our house! Now that Thanksgiving is over, I couldn’t wait to get the decorations up! The outside has been done for a few weeks (I took advantage of the nice weather) but I haven’t lit up our house. As soon as the inside is decorated though, look out – it’s lights time! When I told Sam we were going to decorate the house, she just about flipped out. That kid loves Christmas as much as I do, and I am so glad.

Penny was ever so helpful when I was trying to string new lights on my door wreath. Sam thought this was hysterical, of course.


My little Rudolph couldn’t resist making her kitties look ready for the season. Poor kittens. But they take it in stride, just like they always do when it comes to Sam and her shenanigans.



The cats have only had one Christmas so far and I don’t know how much they remember. Zach certainly doesn’t know what to make of Santa!


By the end of the day, the entire house was decked out in Christmas finery. It has become somewhat of an art – decorating while still keeping things safe from the crazy kitties! Our house looks very festive and bright. Now all we need is our tree and we are ready for Santa’s arrival!

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