Sam’s latest milestone

Posted By on December 28, 2009

Just a few hours ago, Sam achieved yet another big milestone — she rolled completely over!  She has been rolling onto her side a lot when she is in her crib or on her playmat, and she likes to sleep that way now so we have been trying to get her out of the habit of being swaddled to sleep at night.  She was lying on her playmat tonight just rolling around and I said to Mark, “she is going to go all the way over soon, she is almost there” and just like that, while we were watching, she flipped over from her back to her belly!  It was very exciting!  She seemed so shocked, then got upset when she couldn’t roll back.  I have a feeling that is going to be happening a lot now, so we’ll always have to be close to come to her rescue!

One Response to “Sam’s latest milestone”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Good for you, Sam.

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