And the Christmasing Continues!

Posted By on December 26, 2016

Onward to the Myers house for more gift opening! Analiece loved her Joker sneakers.


And now Adam can whip us up some good drinks at their house!


Sam got a set of dominoes, hand made by her Pop Pop…


…and her very own jewelry box! Pop Pop must have been busy!


Sam likes helping Ryder open his gifts. Now he has one of these cool pin games, just like Sam’s.


Later that night at home, Mark and Sam worked on a project. Mark bought Sam a bunch of merit badges that we are going to let her earn for learning about electronics and other things. She wanted the LED badge so badly! Mark told her she had to wire an entire LED circuit by herself to earn the badge, and she did!


We are so proud of her!


What a crazy, busy day! It was a very Merry Christmas, as usual. We are so lucky to have the family we have, and to be able to buy each other so many amazing gifts. Happy days. 🙂


One Response to “And the Christmasing Continues!”

  1. Debbi Plemn says:

    Wow. I didn’t recognize your niece. She is very pretty. And so grown up.

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