Random Acts of Cuteness

Posted By on January 18, 2010

It’s been a while since we posted any new pictures of Sam, but we have been so busy!  But that doesn’t mean we haven’t been taking pictures of her left and right.  So I decided to just post a bunch of the random snapshots we have been taking lately.  She is getting so big as you can see from the pictures.  She is learning more and more every day — she has found her feet, she giggles a lot more now (sometimes you don’t even have to be doing anything–she just cracks herself up), and if you hold her up she really stands well on her feet.  Her legs used to buckle all the time, but not anymore.  Mark and I said how funny it would be if babies could actually walk when they are this small.  Can you imagine such a little tiny person running around the house?

This one is of Sam on her playmat.  She was having such a good time, then just conked out!


She also sits up really well on her own now.  She doesn’t topple over like she used to.  Here she is staring at the TV.


Sam likes to take some of her naps on her daddy.  She always puts her face right up next to his. It is so sweet. I know Mark loves it too.


This is one of the only times Sam actually held her bottle all by herself.  She always has her hands on her bottle though, so she’s learning!


In this one, she fell asleep in her swing. I just think it’s funny that before she fell asleep, she was holding and staring intently at the flap that covers the clips that hold her in.  It’s like she was reading a book.  She feel asleep with the flap still hanging in mid-air in her hand.


Last but not least, here we are this weekend enjoying dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants — Cascata Caffe.  Sam didn’t order off the menu, but she is happy nonetheless!


2 Responses to “Random Acts of Cuteness”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    Unbelievable, exquistely beautiful child:) You two are truely blessed.

  2. Bill Mason says:

    The “flap” photo cries out for a caption contest. 😉

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