Pajama Party!
Posted By markmyers on January 19, 2010
Pam has mentioned on the blog before about how she love the pajamas and baby clothes from Hatley. They do make really cute clothes, most of them with adorable animal prints. Occasionally they sell matching sets for moms and infants and of course when Pam saw these she had to buy some. Sam is finally fitting in her 3-6 month outfits which were some of the first Hatley clothes Pam bought for her. This weekend they modeled the first matching set she bought which had cute bears on them. I photographed them together in my new makeshift studio I set up in the basement. The photos came out great, they both look so adorable!
I think this first one is quite possible my favorite photo of the two of them together:
She is really laughing here:
They also modeled another set with fish:
2 Responses to “Pajama Party!”
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Sam sure is a happy baby!!!! Soooooooo cute.
Mark and Pam,
How in the heck do you get to smile like that: SHE IS JUST INCREDIBLE. What a happy baby–you can just see the happiness deep in her eyes–amazing pictures.