Dentist Time Again

Posted By on January 28, 2017

Sam went to the dentist today and once again, had a clean bill of health! Her pearly whites are just that, and healthy as could be. She went back with the dentist all by herself again, which I am very happy about. Thank God there is no more whining that I have to go with her. The only thing they recommended was sealants on her 6 year molars. Hmmm….never heard of those, but we’ll see. I did some research and they seem like a good thing, I mean, anything to protect their teeth is a positive, I suppose, but I do have questions about it based on some stuff I read. I might be putting off that appointment for a bit. Surprisingly, when I mentioned it to Sam, she didn’t even seem worried about it. I thought she’d freak about having an extra dental visit, but she was ok with it. She’s growing up, that’s for sure.

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