Chester Creek Trail
Posted By pamelamyers on February 19, 2017
We decided since we are getting crazy warm weather this February that it was high time we got our butts outside. A new walking trail opened in our area called the Chester Creek Trail. It is a somewhat short trail, all paved, at about 2.8 miles. It was built where some unused railroad tracks used to be so it is kind of perfect as it’s almost completely flat. We figured it would be great for Sam since she gets whiney when the trail gets too hard for too long. It was a nice trail, a bit crowded, but that may be because it is new and everyone is out exploring it. Definitely a nice walk though.
There are a few bridges along the way, and at this one, Sam noticed our shadows way down below. I thought it would be cool to take our picture.
We didn’t go all the way to the end of the trail, but almost. Before we turned around to go back, we stopped to let Sam rest for a minute and get some water. This rock did the trick!
You would think we’d walked 10 miles in the blazing sun, instead of about a mile at this point, in gorgeous 70 degree weather. Look at this kid! Mark and I keep talking about possibly going to Disney. Boy, she’ll never make it!
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I love the pink hat.