Happy Birthday, Pop Pop
Posted By pamelamyers on February 26, 2017
To celebrate Pop Pop’s 70th birthday, we had pizza at Krista and Adam’s house yesterday. The kids were right in there, ready to help with the cake! Sam still won’t eat more than the frosting, but, what can you do? I’d like to tell her no cake unless she actually eats the whole thing, but what kind of mean mom would I be if I refused to let her have cake?
We had a moment to take some nice pictures of Pop Pop with Krista and Mark.
While we were eating, a quick, hard thunderstorm blew through. It was crazy! One minute the weather was fine, and the next, it was pouring rain, thundering and lightning, and hail was coming down. The good thing was that it didn’t last long, and it left us a rainbow!
Now that the kids all had a nice sugar high, they were all ramped up. Pillow fight! Poor Aunt Krista. She’s outnumbered.
Happy Birthday, Pop Pop!
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