My little belly sleeper
Posted By pamelamyers on January 29, 2010
For a few weeks now, Sam has been making us crazy because she has learned to roll over onto her tummy from her back, but she can’t roll back. She cries and we have to keep going to rescue her. It’s not a big deal during the day when she is just in her Pack and Play or on her mat, but at night when she is in her crib, and we are all trying to sleep, it can be really trying.
The other night she kept rolling onto her belly and she was really freaking out me and Mark because she would lie there looking sort of asleep, but with her face all smushed into the mattress. So I kept rolling her back onto her back, and she’d go right back onto her belly again until she got so tired she’d just stay put on her back.
Well, last night she had a little trouble settling down, but she finally did at about 8:30 (she goes down at 7:00). She was asleep on her side happy as could be. I woke up at 2 o’clock this morning to feed Muffin (I was happy he let me sleep that long!) and I went to check on Sam, as I always do every time I wake up in the middle of the night. I was shocked to see her snoozing away on her tummy with her head to the side, just like it was supposed to be! She didn’t cry, at least not that I heard (and I hear every peep she makes, I swear), so she must have finally figured out how to move her head to the side on her own. I checked on her every hour after that, I swear, I was so nervous. But she did great! After I fed her (at about 2:30 when she woke up) I put her back down on her back and she wound up sleeping on her tummy again. Now if she could just figure out how to roll back onto her back when she wants to, we would be golden!
I plan on spending the next 4 days I have at home letting her spend as much time on her mat as possible so that she gets practice rolling around. Hopefully, she will be a quick learner, as she usually is! She looked really cute sleeping that way. I will have to take her picture.
Oh, and as a side note, tonight we are going to try cereal for the first time. Wish us all luck!
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Yay, cereal!!!! This is when it gets really messy. I can’t believe you still have to get up in the middle of the night to feed Muffin!!!!