Bunny School

Posted By on March 19, 2017

Just the adults went out to dinner last night for Mark’s dad’s birthday so Sam spent the night at Grandmom’s house. I decided to goof around while she was gone and play with some of her toys. I set up “Bunny School” in her room and just left it there for her to find. It took her all day to go upstairs! Usually, she is up and down the steps but for hours she just stayed downstairs. Finally, she did go to her room and I heard her yell, “Mom….I think something is going on up here…..” I played dumb and came up then very nonchalantly said, “What? The bunnies are in school” and left her room. She thought it was pretty funny. After I walked out, she played with them for a while and then that night while I was putting her to bed, she thanked me for doing it. So it was worth it. She now has slyly asked if one day when she is at school the babies could go to preschool. Oh boy. What did I start!?



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