Hello and Goodbye!
Posted By pamelamyers on April 24, 2017
We went on a nice bike ride with Sam last night after dinner and when we got home, Sam was excited to show me how well she zooms right from the sidewalk up the driveway. This is something that, for some reason, made her very nervous before. Well, she went right up with no problem. I commented that she was getting so good on her bike and Mark said, no, she’s getting really great. Sam immediately chimed in that, yes, she was doing great and then in the funniest, most dramatic way, arms flying, said, “Goodbye, Good, Hello, Great!” She then went on to tell us (and the world) that she was the best bike rider in the world.
She is so funny when she tells her stories or says things sometimes. She is so incredibly dramatic. She uses her hands to talk all the time, and she is so expressive. I hope she always has that crazy, artistic nature.
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