She’s getting ready for the Tour!
Posted By pamelamyers on April 29, 2017
Today we went to the Schuylkill River Trail for a nice long bike ride. It is such a perfect place for Sam to ride being that it’s long, flat and non-hilly. The weather was perfect, and Sam loved it. She didn’t complain, even though by the time we were done, she had ridden – wait for it – 6 miles! By mile 3, we knew we needed to turn around. She is getting to be a good rider, but there’s always going back that needs to be accounted for and we didn’t want to push her too far. At mile 4.5, she was starting to wonder how far we had left, but she just kept on pedaling! She is really loving the freedom of bicycling without training wheels. She already asked us if “that big bike race” will be on tv this year. We promised her that this summer, yes, we would all watch the Tour de France together. 🙂
We stopped for a water break – and a selfie!
How beautiful is this, by the river? What an amazing place to ride.
Mark and Sam just love biking together. I hope it is something they always share.
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