More Biking Adventures – City Style!

Posted By on May 21, 2017

Today we went biking as a family into…wait for it…the City! Well, we didn’t exactly bike to the city, we drove there and then biked, but still. It’s a big change from our usual routes in our quiet suburban neighborhood. We went into Philadelphia to the Schuylkill River Trail, which we have been on before, but not the city portion. We essentially started at the Art Museum (which Sam now wants to visit) and rode around for a bit by the river. One of Sam’s favorite parts was these giant rocks. We stopped to hang out for a while so she could jump around like a maniac from rock to rock.

When we stopped once again (Sam wanted some water), she noticed my shoe was untied and she just had to tie it for me. She knows how to tie shoes now so she is happy to assist whenever possible. It took a while, but she finally got it.

It was a lot of fun and the weather was great. The views were not the usual for us country-bumpkins. 😉

Time out for a family selfie!

Or two…

Mark went off to see where a portion of the trail went and Sam and I had a minute to rest by the river. So pretty!

We eventually wound up at this sort of pop-up bar/restaurant where you could buy food from a food truck, get some drinks, and play some games. Sam LOVED it.

We waited a while to play the gigantic Jenga game. All the games were really popular, but Jenga was a favorite.

I cannot believe how high Sam and Mark’s tower got. It was insane. She couldn’t even reach the top to place her piece on after a while.

Oh no!

I love those photos. You have no idea how long I had to wait with my camera poised and ready to go. I knew it had to fall eventually, but MAN, it took FOREVER! Not long before we left, we went down to the water to look around. Sam was being a goofball with these cannon balls. Oh, they are so heavy!

It really was a gorgeous day, and a perfect opportunity to do something as a family. Now that Sam is riding her bike like a pro, hopefully we’ll do things like this more often.

2 Responses to “More Biking Adventures – City Style!”

  1. Debbi Plenn says:

    It looks like it was a lot of fun. Sam should definitely go to the Art Museum. There must be things there for kids. I know she would love the gift shop.

  2. pamelamyers says:

    Sam loves ANY gift shop!

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